Fender Tweed Cover for 5E3 Cabinet

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Fender Tweed Cover for 5E3 Cabinet

Post by Mojojtm »

Hey All

I have built recently a 5E3 Amp it works an very happy with it.

I have reproduced the same fender Deluxe Cabinet. Now I have built since years many cabinet and never bothered so much about glue type and purchased the official Tolex Glue that can be used for Tweed or Tolex

Now this is water based glue latex kind of. I am tired to buy it from our European Supplier, such Tube-Town Germany, and locally here in the Netherlands Tone-Factory. One small pot of 500ml costs 16 Eur or 12 Euros in Germany but with delivery costs it costs nearly 20 Euros too much money in my opinions

I read here in Amp garage in another Forum that can be used "Vinyl floor adhesive. It's a latex glue, water cleanup, no fumes."

So does this means I can use the glue for PVC Floor tiles? I remember once to have handled such glue similar in aspect latex type but I was never 100% sure if that would work just fine?

Can anyone tell me if that is OK because then at the local Depot Hardware shop I can by 2 liters of such glue probably at less than 20 euros.

I also right now have Bostick Glue, see photo below, is from Bison brand, it also says that you can glue vinyl and is transparent it smells like typical Bostick I have tried once with Tolex, not with Tweed , and it was a very bad result, unsure if was me that I can't handle it or maybe is just not the right glue, and this one is not water base glue.

I am basically looking for best alternative solution, if I understand correctly what is needed is Water base Neoprene Latex Glue? Is this the same as the one used for PVC floor or PVC tiles also called vinyl floor?
Dave Mojo
Hand Crafted Guitar Cabs.
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